DTOXI PLUS (DTX+) Plus all issues, Add all aspects

DTOXI PLUS (DTX+) product contains of 100% natural extracts and 100% natural minerals which’re good for body waste cleanse, soft excretion, toxins detoxification, body balancing, fat loss, cholesterol reducing and safe weight loss control because

DTOXI PLUS (DTX+) is not a medicine, no chemical extracts, therefore, there’s no side effects.

Check the registration number of FDA: 24-2-01350-5-0039

DTOXI PLUS (DTX+) Plus all issues, Add all aspects
+ Plus 1 : Reducing hunger and appetite
+ Plus 2 : Boosting metabolism in double speed, reducing belly fat accumulation
+ Plus 3 : Natural extracts for anti-aging, antioxidants for healthier skin and beauty

Boosting metabolism in double speed

How does DTOXI PLUS (DTX+) help?
Excretion : for easy excretion, digestive system balance
Detoxification : for inner body waste cleanse, toxins detoxification, drug and chemical residues detoxification
Fat burn : for restoring and accelerating fat burning system to work properly, eliminating excess fat, reducing belly fat accumulation
Weight loss control : for reducing hunger and appetite, slowing down glucose absorption, reducing cholesterol
Stimulating blood circulatory system : additional natural extracts for anti-aging, antioxidants for healthier skin and beauty
Safe : right by selecting the safest natural herbs and minerals for extraction

Usage of DTOXI PLUS (DTX+) for weight loss control

The weight will not be reduced much and fast like weight loss pills from chemical extracts but shall be resulted in a good weight loss control. After taking for a while, you will feel of better fat burn especially belly fat, body firming, flat stomach and lighter in weight. There’s no either side effect or yo-yo effect on your body after stop taking and quitting. Therefore, DTOXI PLUS (DTX+) is a good aid for body balancing, detoxification, better excretion and long-term safe weight loss control.

Remark : DTOXI PLUS (DTX+) product is featuring mainly for better excretion and body balancing, therefore, the result of weight loss or weight loss control is depending on individual factors.


+ Safe because it contains of 100% natural extracts.

+ Immediate result by first capsule, active within 8-12 hrs.

+ No need to increase dosage (for prolonged period of time)

+ Restoring and improving excretion, digestive system and helping
in balancing intestinal system to be in its natural state

+ Stimulating the colon to work naturally without causing any side effects
such as abdominal distention or cramps

+ Body waste cleanse, toxins detoxification and reducing the risk
of colon cancer

+ No chemical residues, no side effects and no yo-yo effect

+ Additional features for weight loss control, healthier skin and body firming.
All-in-one beauty completion.

DTOXI PLUS (DTX+) suits for?

✔ Anybody who has the problem of excretion, difficult excretion, constipation

✔ Anybody who is on diet, weight loss control and needs the aid with natural formula, no chemical extracts

✔ Anybody who has dull skin and bad body odor

✔ Anybody who has belly fat, hard to lose weight even are on diet and exercise

✔ Anybody who has no time to exercise

✔ Anybody who is overweight after pregnancy, very fat, drug-resistant

- Safe because it contains of 100% natural extracts.
- Immediate result by first capsule, active within 8-12 hrs.
- No need to increase dosage (for prolonged period of time)
- Restoring and improving excretion, digestive system and helping in balancing intestinal system to be in its natural state
- Stimulating the colon to work naturally without causing any side effects such as abdominal distention or cramps
- Body waste cleanse, toxins detoxification and reducing the risk of colon cancer
- No chemical residues, no side effects and no yo-yo effect
- Additional features for weight loss control, healthier skin and body firming. All-in-one beauty completion.

Green Coffee Bean Extract
Green Coffee Beans, Arabica Type, without roasted and extracted have caffeine less than 3% or less than Cappuccino (coffee with steamed milk foam), therefore, there’s no effect to sleep or sleep disturbance, does not make heart beat faster. There’s a major compound, Chlorogenic Acids (CGA), which has the studies showing that it can boost the metabolism for whole body and can boost the metabolism more while doing activities especially fat and adipose tissue at the rapid rate which can lead to weight loss naturally. It inhibits the absorption of fat and carbohydrates. It traps sugar in the digestive system for not being digested and absorbed into the body or bloodstream. This can inhibit the hunger and appetite behavior which is the major cause of overweight. It helps reducing triglyceride level and prevents the accumulation of fat in the liver. Also, it enhances the efficiency of antioxidants (Superoxide Dismutase, SODs) for anti-aging, cell degeneration and slow down aging.
Gynostemma Extract
Gynostemma pentaphullum or Jiaogulan is also known as Southern Ginseng which contains the beneficial compound Gypenosides, a Saponin that can help strengthening the immune system, health nourishment so, Chinese people called it “The Immortality Herb”. The results from many studies have shown that it can exhibit inhibitory activity towards the proliferation of cancer cells and exhibit potent anti-cancer activities towards several organs such as liver, lung, colon, tongue and cervix. Also, it can help reducing high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Garcinia Extract
Garcinia Cambogia (so called Malabar Tamarind) contains HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid), may aid in weight loss control by suppressing appetite and helping to increase the metabolism of excess body fat, reducing the conversion of carbohydrates or glucose into body stored fat. Theoretically, the fat would instead be burned as calories, less stored fat, better body firming, flat stomach and lighter in weight. Garcinia Cambogia does not have any side effect and being a safe alternative for weight loss control.
Pepper Extract
According to Thai herbal drug recipe, black pepper is used as a carminative and helps in increased sweating. It contains compound, Piperine which generates pungent smell and spicy taste beneficial for blocking the formation of new fat cells. Moreover, Piperine helps stimulating the digestive enzymes and enhancing the digestive capacity, good for weight loss control, reducing hunger by accelerating the chemical process of digestion, accelerating the excretion, detoxifying toxins or residues in the digestive tract which helps reducing the risk of colon cancer, reducing glucose absorption, high blood pressure control, preventing the risk of type 2 diabetes, reducing fat accumulation especially belly fat, gaining muscle mass and helping for better body firming.  
Capsicum Extract
Chili peppers are rich in various vitamins as Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and various minerals as Magnesium, Potassium, Iron and Fiber. Chili peppers, spicy spice, contain a compound called “Capsaicin” that give the spicy sensation in which the most Capsaicin is found in the white membranes inside a pepper. Capsaicin helps in digestion, boosting the metabolism, stimulating blood circulation and reducing cholesterol. Moreover, Capsaicin can act as antioxidants, reduce blood glucose level and stimulate the work of stomach, help detoxify the toxins from the body so, better in digestive system. Also, it helps in nourishment and sweat.
Safflower Extract
Safflower seed oil contains Linoleic Acid which is unsaturated fatty acids essential for the body, growth performance and development, brain function, nervous system and reproduction. It helps in the prevention of cardiovascular, breast cancer and diabetes. For weight loss control, it helps in burning saturated fatty acids better. Carthamin in Safflower also helps in reducing fat and preventing fat clogged in the blood vessels, better flow of blood circulation to heart muscle, reducing belly fat accumulation, body firming, reducing cholesterol level in blood vessels and high blood pressure.  
Citrus Aurantium Extract
Bitter Orange contains Synephrine, an essential substance that helps boosting the metabolism in the body with no effect to heart rate and blood pressure, therefore, it helps in safe weight loss control, reducing in cholesterol accumulation and reducing hunger and appetite.
Green Apple Extract
Apple is a fruit with low energy. It contains carbohydrates, fiber, potassium, vitamin K and high vitamin C. Also, apple is a rich source of essential substance “Polyphenol” whereas apple has an antioxidant called “Epicatechin” which is one of the most abundant flavonoids that helps reducing blood pressure, reducing LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), reducing risk of stroke and type 2 diabetes. In addition, apple also has a powerful antioxidant called “Quercetin” which is one of the flavonoids that helps increasing immune system and decreasing inflammation resulting in reducing asthma symptom and allergic reaction. Green apple is beneficial for: -

1.         Alleviating constipation – because green apple peels contain insoluble fiber called “Pectin” which is essential for activating more movement of gut. Also, green apple helps in promoting the growth of healthy bacteria in colon whereas helps in increasing the bulk of stools and making a quick passage through the intestines. This makes apple good for people who have constipation.

2.         Detoxifying the body of accumulated toxins – Pectin, found in green apple peels, is important in helping to trap cholesterol and toxins including carcinogens. When trapped, those toxins will be eliminated through the stools which helps reducing the accumulated toxins in the body.

3.         Reducing hunger after waking up in the morning – Fructose, a binary sugar molecule in green apple, can quickly be converted to Glucose, a single sugar molecule which lets the body able to absorb it and use it in a timely manner so, this can reduce hunger.
Kiwifruit Extract
Kiwifruit is rich of high fiber which makes you feel full faster and in longer time. Also, Kiwifruit is full of vitamin C, vitamin E and phytonutrients which help in producing collagen to maintain healthy skin. In addition, Kiwifruit Extract contains essential substance “Polyphenol” like apple and “Actinidin”, the predominant enzyme, can play a role in aiding the digestive process, activating soft excretion. Moreover, kiwifruit helps reducing the risk of Oxidative Stress which is the cause of the change and the damage in DNA, other health problems such as wrinkled skins, premature gray hair or colon cancer. Kiwifruit also helps in the prevention of macular degeneration.


DTOXI 10 Capsules (Ask to buy from our the distributor here) DTOXI 1 Box / 10 Capsules

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170 THB ฿170
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DTOXI PLUS 1 Pack (100 Capsules) Dosage/Pack : 30 - 45 Days

Sold 17 items

1,700 THB ฿1,700
1,500 THB ฿1,500 -12%


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DTOXI PLUS 2 Packs (200 Capsules) Dosage/Pack : 60 Days

Sold 11 items

3,400 THB ฿3,400
2,700 THB ฿2,700 -21%


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DTOXI PLUS 5 Packs (500 Capsules)

Sold 43 items

8,500 THB ฿8,500
6,500 THB ฿6,500 -24%


Dosage :
The product will react to the digestive system within 8-12 hrs. depending on individual.
1. For better excretion
1.1. Anybody with difficulty in excretion, take 2 capsules after dinner or before bedtime
1.2. Anybody with easy excretion, take 1 capsule after dinner or before bedtime
2.For fat burn and weight loss control
2.1. Take 1 capsule after lunch and 2 capsules after dinner

Suggestion :
Should not take DTOXI PLUS (DTX+) on an empty stomach because it contains the mixture of chili and pepper which can burn your stomach
*** For weight loss control, do not forget to reduce carbohydrates and sugar diet and keep exercising***
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